Planetary Sun Gear Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Planetary Sun Gear Sub-Assembly (#35706-06021) is a vital component in the Drive-Chassis part of the Planetary Gear, Reverse Piston & Counter Gear (Automatic Transmission) system. This genuine Toyota part, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is crucial in regulating the transmission of power from the engine to the wheels while the vehicle is in motion. In operation, the Sun Gear works with the Planetary and Ring gears, distributing torque and varying speed and rotation direction. When this part becomes worn, clogged, or broken, it may lead to transmission problems such as irregular gear shifts, noise, or even transmission failure. Therefore, it's necessary to periodically replace this part. In conclusion, the Planetary Sun Gear Sub-Assembly (#35706-06021) significantly contributes to the vehicle's overall performance and safety, ensuring seamless transmission operation, thereby enhancing driving dynamics and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 35706-06020
Part Number 35706-06021

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