Speedometer Driven Gear Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Speedometer Driven Gear Sub-Assembly (#33403-29445) is a crucial Drive-Chassis part in Toyota's Automatic Transmission system. Its primary role is to accurately translate the vehicle's transmission output into speed data for the speedometer. This gear system does so by engaging with the transmission's output shaft, converting its rotational speed into an electronic signal. Over time, this part can wear down or become damaged, leading to inaccurate speed readings or even a non-functioning speedometer. Genuine replacement parts, like the Speedometer Driven Gear Sub-Assembly (#33403-29445), are critical not only for vehicle compatibility but also because they are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Failure to periodically replace this component could result in faulty speed readings, presenting a safety risk and potentially leading to traffic violations. By ensuring accurate speed readings, the Speedometer Driven Gear Sub-Assembly (#33403-29445) contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of the vehicle. It allows drivers to maintain appropriate speeds and aids in the vehicle's overall performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 33403-29445

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