Transfer Idler Low Gear

About this product

The Transfer Idler Low Gear (#36224-60020), a crucial Drive-Chassis part within the Transfer Gear system, primarily modulates the distribution of power from the engine to the vehicle's wheels. As the gear system operates, this part smoothly transitions power to the drivetrain, ensuring optimal vehicle performance and safety. The authenticity of parts is essential for vehicle compatibility, and Toyota's genuine parts perfectly align with this principle. Genuine Toyota parts, including the Transfer Idler Low Gear (#36224-60020), are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering peace of mind and assurance of quality. Over time, this part may need replacement due to wear, which could cause inefficient power transfer and potential vehicle breakdown if not addressed. Regular replacement of the Transfer Idler Low Gear (#36224-60020) maintains the efficient function of the Transfer Gear system, contributing positively to the overall operational efficiency and safety of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 36224-60010;36224-60011
Part Number 36224-60020

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