Transfer Input Gear

About this product

The Transfer Input Gear (#36212-60100) is a crucial Drive-Chassis part of the Transfer Gear system in your vehicle. This part plays a major role in transmitting the engine's power to the wheels, allowing the vehicle to move. It works hand-in-hand with other components within the system, including the drive shaft and output gears, to maintain a smooth and efficient drive. Over time, the Transfer Input Gear (#36212-60100) can wear out, which can disrupt the power transmission and affect the vehicle's performance. It is therefore key to replace this part periodically with genuine parts for vehicle compatibility. Toyota's genuine parts are backed by a solid warranty. The Transfer Input Gear (#36212-60100) not only facilitates a seamless drive but also contributes significantly to the overall safety of your vehicle. A well-maintained gear system minimizes the risk of sudden breakdowns, thus ensuring a safer journey.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 36212-60100

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