Transfer Low Speed Output Gear

About this product

The Transfer Low Speed Output Gear (#36242-60130), a Drive-Chassis part in the Transfer Gear system, plays a crucial role in managing the power distribution in your Toyota vehicle. It operates by transmitting torque from the transfer case to the vehicle's differential and axles, thus providing power to the wheels at reduced speed for enhanced traction. Components such as the input shaft and gears are integral to its operation. If this component becomes worn out, broken, or non-functional, it can directly affect the vehicle's performance, potentially leading to loss of vehicle control. Periodic replacement is recommended to prevent such issues. Genuine Toyota parts are highly recommended because they maintain optimal compatibility with your vehicle and are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Transfer Low Speed Output Gear (#36242-60130) contributes significantly to the vehicle’s efficiency and performance, while also maintaining safety by ensuring optimal traction even in challenging driving conditions.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 36242-60130

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