Accessory Meter Glass

About this product

The Accessory Meter Glass (#83253-35110), a crucial part of the Meter system in a Toyota vehicle, offers a clear view of critical dashboard information. Positioned in front of the vehicle's instrument cluster, it protects the meters while ensuring visibility of the data. The accessory meter glass is a genuine Toyota electrical part, enhancing compatibility with the vehicle. As time elapses, it can become scratched, cloudy, or even broken, obstructing the view of the dashboard readings. This could lead to potential driving hazards due to insufficient visibility of crucial information like speed, fuel level, and engine temperature. Consequently, periodic replacement is vital to maintain optimal operation. Genuine parts like the Accessory Meter Glass (#83253-35110) are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering quality assurance for your vehicle. This part contributes significantly to the overall safety of your Toyota by providing a clear and accurate display of essential driving information.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 83253-35110

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