Room Ventilation Glille

About this product

The Room Ventilation Grille, a crucial component in the Inside Trim Board system of a Toyota vehicle, plays a vital role in maintaining vehicle comfort. This part allows regulated air flow within the car cabin, facilitating a comfortable and controlled environment during operations. When the Room Ventilation Grille becomes old or clogged, it may restrict the air flow, causing discomfort and potentially disrupting the optimal functioning of the climate control system. The purchase of genuine parts from Toyota Autoparts not only ensures vehicle compatibility but also comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Replacing the Room Ventilation Grille periodically is essential to maintain the overall efficiency of the Inside Trim Board system. This simple yet significant part contributes to the comfort and safety of a Toyota vehicle, proving that every element of the car counts in creating a superior driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 62821-90K01-B0

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