Heater Air Outlet Grille

About this product

The Heater Air Outlet Grille (#87125-0R010-E0) is a critical Electrical component within the Heating & Air Conditioning - Control & Air Duct system of a Toyota vehicle. Its role is to effectively guide warm air from the heating system into the cabin of the vehicle, providing a comfortable environment for passengers during cold weather. Over time, this grille may become clogged, broken, or non-functional, which can obstruct airflow and impede heating performance. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Heater Air Outlet Grille (#87125-0R010-E0), are designed for optimum compatibility with your vehicle and come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Neglecting to replace this part when needed could lead to inefficient heating, discomfort for passengers, and potentially more serious problems within the heating system. In conclusion, by controlling the direction and flow of warm air into the cabin, the Heater Air Outlet Grille (#87125-0R010-E0) plays a vital role in the overall efficiency and comfort provided by your vehicle's Heating & Air Conditioning system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87125-0R010-E0
Color Name Sand Beige

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