Door Assist Grip Left Hand

About this product

The Door Assist Grip Left Hand (#74642-42050-B1), a Body part in the Front Door Panel & Glass system, offers support to passengers entering or exiting the vehicle. This component functions actively each time the door is opened or closed, providing a secure grip for the user. Genuine Toyota Door Assist Grip Left Hand (#74642-42050-B1)s are designed for compatibility with specific Toyota models and are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the Assist Grip can wear down, lose its gripping surface, or even break, causing discomfort or potential safety issues for passengers. Regular inspection and replacement of this part is recommended. With a functional Door Assist Grip Left Hand (#74642-42050-B1), passengers experience enhanced convenience and safety, contributing to the overall efficiency and safety of the Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 74642-42050-B1
Color Name Silver

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