Grille Speaker Assembly Sd Left Hand

About this product

The Grille Speaker Assembly Sd Left Hand (#SU003-08712), a body component in the Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system of Toyota vehicles, serves a key purpose in the vehicle’s sound system. This assembly is primarily responsible for producing quality sound output in the vehicle. It does this by converting electrical audio signals from the stereo into mechanical vibrations, which are then emitted as sound waves. Over time, the grille speaker assembly could become worn out or faulty, leading to diminished sound quality or even complete audio failure. It’s crucial to periodically replace this assembly with genuine Toyota parts for optimal vehicle compatibility and sound performance. Genuine parts are also covered under Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining an effective grille speaker assembly, drivers can keep their audio and alert systems in top condition, enhancing safety and enjoyment for themselves and their passengers.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-08712

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