
About this product

The Grommet (#83145-89318), an integral part in Toyota's Meter system, plays a primary role in insulating and protecting the electrical wires, ensuring effective transmission of electrical signals. As the vehicle operates, this Electrical part prevents any friction damage between the wires and the surfaces they pass through. Recognizing the importance of compatibility, Toyota emphasizes the use of genuine parts. Genuine Grommet (#83145-89318)s are designed to fit perfectly in your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. However, Grommet (#83145-89318)s are not invincible and may deteriorate over time. Old or broken Grommet (#83145-89318)s can expose wires to potential damage, leading to faulty readings or electrical short circuits. Regular replacement of this part is therefore critical for maintaining the safety and efficiency of your vehicle's electrical system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 83145-89318

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