
About this product

The Grommet (#85379-52351), a crucial electrical component in Toyota's rear washer system, plays an instrumental role in safely securing electrical wiring. Found within the rear washer assembly, the Grommet (#85379-52351)'s function is to protect wires from damage due to friction against rough surfaces. Over time, this part can deteriorate or get clogged which may lead to potential wiring damage. If a grommet is non-functional, it may cause electrical failures within the rear washer system. Therefore, it's essential to replace it periodically with genuine Toyota parts which are known for their compatibility with the vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Grommet (#85379-52351) not only maintains the functionality of the rear washer system but also contributes significantly to the safety and efficiency of the vehicle by preventing electrical mishaps.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 85379-52350
Part Number 85379-52351

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