
About this product

The Toyota Grommet (#90480-15227), a crucial Body part within the Accelerator Link system, serves an important role in your vehicle's performance. It primarily acts as a protective conduit for cables, wires, and lines passing through metal sheets or other hard surfaces, shielding them from abrasion and damage. Over time, grommets can become worn out, hardened, or even break, which may lead to the wearing or cutting of the cables or lines they were protecting. Genuine Toyota parts are designed to perfectly fit your vehicle and are protected by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Replacement of grommets in a timely manner is crucial to maintaining the efficiency and safety of the Accelerator Link system. Their function contributes to smoother acceleration and thus, to the overall driving experience. Using genuine Toyota Grommet (#90480-15227)s, therefore, ensures compatibility and longevity for your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 90480-15073
Part Number 90480-15227

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