
About this product

The Grommet (#90480-45092), a fundamental Drive-Chassis part within the Steering Column & Shaft system, plays a key role in maintaining the safety and efficiency of your vehicle. Fitted within the steering system, the Grommet (#90480-45092) functions as a protective conduit for the steering column shaft, preventing unnecessary friction and wear. As a consumable component, it's imperative to replace the Grommet (#90480-45092) periodically. Aging, damage, or clogs can lead to a compromised performance, potentially causing vibrations, noise, or even steering control issues. Using genuine Toyota Grommet (#90480-45092)s strengthens vehicle compatibility while benefiting from Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This component not only ensures a smoother ride but also reduces the risk of unexpected breakdowns, thus enhancing overall safety and efficiency.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 45300-60902
Part Number 90480-45092

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