Cooler Grommet #1

About this product

The Cooler Grommet #1 (#88897-60170), a vital part of the Heating & Air Conditioning - Cooler Piping system in your vehicle, serves a critical role in maintaining the electrical integrity of the system. It’s main function is to shield and secure the wiring within the cooler system, protecting it from heat and other potential damage. This small yet crucial part, like many others, is subject to wear and tear, and hence, requires periodic replacement. The failure to replace a damaged or old Cooler Grommet #1 (#88897-60170) could lead to compromised electrical connections, thus negatively impacting the cooler's functionality. Genuine Toyota Cooler Grommet #1 (#88897-60170)s, specifically designed for compatibility with your vehicle, are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing an additional layer of assurance. Ultimately, a functional Cooler Grommet #1 (#88897-60170) contributes to the overall efficiency and the safe operation of your vehicle’s cooling system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 8889760170

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