Grommet Door

About this product

The Grommet Door (#SU003-02085) is a crucial electrical component in the Heating & Air Conditioning - Cooler Unit system of a Toyota vehicle. This high-quality part functions by sealing areas where wires and other components pass through metal or plastic bodywork, preventing chafing that could result in electrical short circuits or wire damage. Additionally, it plays a vital role in reducing unwanted noise and vibrations. Like other auto parts, the Grommet Door (#SU003-02085) eventually wears out and requires replacement. A worn-out or non-functional grommet can allow harmful elements into the protected system, compromising its integrity. Using genuine Toyota parts ensures optimal vehicle compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Grommet Door (#SU003-02085) significantly enhances the safety and efficiency of the heating and air conditioning unit by protecting the system from damage and unwanted intrusions.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-02085

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