Grommet Hood Stay

About this product

The Grommet Hood Stay (#SU003-03012), a key body part in the Hood Lock & Hinge system of a Toyota vehicle, provides a primary function of holding the hood in position. It acts as a buffer between the hood stay and the hood, thereby preventing any form of direct metal-on-metal contact. Genuine Toyota parts like these are designed with specific vehicle compatibility in mind, ensuring a perfect fit and optimal performance. Backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, it's a reliable solution. Over time, this rubber part can dry out, crack or break down and could compromise the stability of the hood, potentially leading to safety concerns. When it is non-functional, the hood may not stay open as intended and could unexpectedly close. Hence, its routine replacement is essential. By maintaining the Grommet Hood Stay (#SU003-03012) in good condition, the Hood Lock & Hinge system operates smoothly, contributing to vehicle safety and overall performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-03012

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