Screw Grommet

About this product

A vital component in the Headlamp system, the Screw Grommet (#90189-05013) is an Electrical part that plays a crucial role in holding and securing the headlamp assembly in place. Working in tandem with other parts, it provides stability and reduces vibration, which could otherwise adversely impact the headlamp's function. The importance of maintaining and replacing this part cannot be overstated. Over time, the Screw Grommet (#90189-05013) can wear out, break, or become non-functional, leading to instability in the headlamp assembly that can potentially disrupt the headlight beam and compromise vehicle safety. Investing in genuine Toyota Autoparts, including the Screw Grommet (#90189-05013), ensures compatibility with your vehicle and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, a well-functioning Screw Grommet (#90189-05013) contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle by maintaining the correct position and function of the headlamp system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 53101-19495;53101-19496;90467-09107
Part Number 90189-05013

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