Gasket-Rocker Coverlh

About this product

The Gasket-Rocker Coverlh (#SU003-00281), a crucial component in the Cylinder Head system, primarily functions to seal the gap between the rocker cover and the cylinder head in a vehicle's engine. As the engine operates, it prevents oil leaks and keeps harmful contaminants from entering the engine. Genuine Toyota parts enhance vehicle compatibility, and the Gasket-Rocker Coverlh (#SU003-00281) is no exception. However, over time, this part can become worn, leading to oil leaks or engine contamination, thus necessitating its regular replacement. If neglected, this can lead to significant engine damage. Backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, the Gasket-Rocker Coverlh (#SU003-00281) offers reliability and performance. Its installation and proper maintenance contribute significantly to the overall safety and efficiency of the engine system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-00281

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