Lock Guard

About this product

The Lock Guard (#72619-D1010), a crucial body part within the Seat & Seat Track system, serves the primary role of securing the seat in place, protecting occupants from unexpected movement during vehicle operation. It interacts with the seat tracks, latching onto them to provide a firm hold. The Toyota Lock Guard (#72619-D1010)’s functionality is critical; over time, wear and tear could lead to a loose or non-functional lock, potentially risking passenger safety due to seat instability. Genuine Toyota parts like the Lock Guard (#72619-D1010) are crucial for vehicle compatibility and come with the backing of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Regular replacement of this part is advised. A compromised Lock Guard (#72619-D1010) could affect the overall safety and stability of your vehicle's seating arrangement, underscoring its importance in the Seat & Seat Track system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 72619-D1010

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