Propeller Shaft Guard

About this product

The Propeller Shaft Guard (#51569-0C020), a crucial Body part in the Frame system, plays an integral role in protecting the propeller shaft from road debris. This guard acts as a shield, deflecting items that may cause damage to the shaft during vehicle operation. Components like the Propeller Shaft Guard (#51569-0C020) are vital to the longevity and overall performance of your Toyota vehicle. Not replacing this part as recommended could lead to the propeller shaft being exposed to damaging elements, which can significantly affect the vehicle's efficiency and safety. When you choose genuine Toyota parts like the Prop ensure compatibility and optimal performance, you're also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Remember, periodic replacement of the Propeller Shaft Guard (#51569-0C020) contributes to the vehicle's safety and maintains the integrity of the Frame system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 51569-0C020

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