Air Heater Guide

About this product

The Air Heater Guide (#87174-30120-A0), a vital component in the Heating & Air Conditioning - Heater Unit & Blower system, has a pivotal function within your Toyota vehicle's system. This electrical part works by directing the heated air from the heater unit and blower into the vehicle's interior, effectively maintaining a comfortable and consistent temperature environment for passengers. Like any other component, the Air Heater Guide (#87174-30120-A0) requires regular replacement. As it ages or becomes clogged, it can impede air flow, resulting in lower heating efficiency and even potentially causing damage to other parts of the heating system. Genuine Toyota parts aid in maintaining optimal vehicle compatibility, and all original parts, including the Air Heater Guide (#87174-30120-A0), are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Air Heater Guide (#87174-30120-A0) ultimately contributes to overall system efficiency and safety, ensuring a comfortable and secure driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 87174-30120
Part Number 87174-30120-A0

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