Guide Assembly-Oil Lvl

About this product

The Guide Assembly-Oil Lvl (#SU003-05884), a critical Engine-Fuel component within the Cylinder Block system of Toyota vehicles, serves a vital role in the engine's health and longevity. This part monitors and maintains appropriate oil levels, preventing potential damage from overconsumption or leaks. A part of Toyota Autoparts, its genuine make ensures compatibility and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this component can wear down, become clogged or break, affecting its ability to accurately measure oil levels. This can lead to insufficient lubrication, causing increased engine wear or even catastrophic engine failure. Periodic replacement of the Guide Assembly-Oil Lvl (#SU003-05884) helps maintain optimal engine performance and efficiency. Thus, the Guide Assembly-Oil Lvl (#SU003-05884) is essential in ensuring the overall safety and functionality of your vehicle's engine.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) SU003-00307
Part Number SU003-05884

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