Chain Damper Guide

About this product

The Chain Damper Guide (#13566-75020) is a critical component in the Camshaft & Valve system within the Engine-Fuel parts category. Its primary role is to regulate the timing chain’s movement and maintain its tension under various operating conditions. This guide works in conjunction with the timing chain, camshaft, and crankshaft, contributing to the smooth and efficient functioning of the engine. As time passes, the Chain Damper Guide (#13566-75020) can wear out or even break, leading to irregular timing chain movement. This can result in engine misfires, reduced performance, and potential damage to the engine. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota Autoparts is essential. Genuine parts are designed specifically for compatibility with your Toyota vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, a well-functioning Chain Damper Guide (#13566-75020) contributes to the engine's overall efficiency and safety, ensuring a reliable and smooth drive.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 13566-0C020;13566-75010
Part Number 13566-75020

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