Charcoal Canister Outlet Guide

About this product

The Charcoal Canister Outlet Guide (#77775-33010) is a critical component of the Fuel Tank & Tube system of your Toyota vehicle. This body part has an essential role in managing fuel vapors, preventing them from being released into the atmosphere and instead redirecting them back into the combustion system. This process keeps the vehicle running smoothly, while also reducing emissions. Aged, clogged or broken Outlet Guides can seriously impede this process, causing an increase in harmful emissions and negatively affecting vehicle performance. Periodic replacement of this part is therefore highly recommended. By using genuine parts for replacement, you're not only ensuring vehicle compatibility, but you're also benefiting from Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Charcoal Canister Outlet Guide (#77775-33010) contributes significantly to the efficiency of your vehicle's Fuel Tank & Tube system, promoting environmental protection while maintaining optimal performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 77775-33010

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