Hood Air Intake Guide Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Hood Air Intake Guide Sub-Assembly (#76109-60010), a key component in Toyota's Hood & Front Fender system, plays a crucial role in vehicle operation. The part primarily helps guide outside air into the engine bay, thus aiding in cooling and ensuring optimal performance. Over time, this part may become clogged or worn, potentially leading to reduced air intake, decreased engine cooling, or even engine overheating. It's important to replace this part periodically with genuine Toyota parts as they are specifically designed for vehicle compatibility. These authentic parts are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, providing peace of mind. In summary, the Hood Air Intake Guide Sub-Assembly (#76109-60010) contributes greatly to the overall efficiency of the vehicle by ensuring proper engine cooling, thus mitigating potential engine damage and promoting safe operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 76109-60010

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