Spare Wheel Carrier Guide Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Spare Wheel Carrier Guide Sub-Assembly (#51091-0C010), a crucial body part in the Frame system, plays a vital role in correctly positioning and securing the spare tire. This mechanism operates smoothly to aid in quick and trouble-free access to the spare wheel during emergencies. It is essential to note that this component is a genuine Toyota part, ensuring compatibility with your vehicle and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Importantly, periodic replacement of this part is necessary as wear and tear can inhibit its function, potentially causing the spare wheel to become unsecured or difficult to retrieve. This could pose both a safety risk and inconvenience during roadside emergencies. In conclusion, the Spare Wheel Carrier Guide Sub-Assembly (#51091-0C010) significantly contributes to the safety and efficiency of the vehicle, minimizing potential roadside issues and enhancing the overall reliability of your Toyota.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 51091-0C010

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