Door Pull Handle

About this product

The Door Pull Handle (#74811-22010-A0) falls under the categories of Body Front Door Panel & Glass and Body Rear Door Panel & Glass. Primarily, it allows for the easy opening and closing of the vehicle's doors, offering a comfortable grip for both driver and passengers. Like all genuine Toyota Autoparts, the Door Pull Handle (#74811-22010-A0) is designed with vehicle compatibility in mind and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the Door Pull Handle (#74811-22010-A0) may experience wear and tear, which could lead to a compromised grip or even breakage. This can affect the ease of access to the vehicle and potentially pose a safety risk. Regular replacement of this part is therefore essential for maintaining not just the door systems, but also the overall safety of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 74811-22010-A0
Color Name Ivory

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