Rear Seat Cushion Support Hanger

About this product

The Rear Seat Cushion Support Hanger (#64225-04030), classified as a Body part within the Roof Panel & Back Panel system, plays a vital role in maintaining passenger comfort and safety in Toyota vehicles. This part is responsible for supporting the seat cushion, thereby facilitating a secure and comfortable seating position for vehicle occupants. The efficient functioning of this auto part is crucial for the overall structural integrity and comfort of seating in the vehicle. Over time, the Rear Seat Cushion Support Hanger (#64225-04030) may wear out or damage due to constant use and pressure. If not replaced, this could compromise the comfort and safety of passengers. Genuine Toyota parts like this one are specifically designed for compatibility with your Toyota vehicle. Besides, these parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Rear Seat Cushion Support Hanger (#64225-04030) significantly contributes to the comfort and safety of Toyota vehicles, highlighting the necessity for its timely replacement with genuine parts.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 64101-04210;64225-04010
Part Number 64225-04030

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