Rear Seat Shoulder Belt Hanger

About this product

As a crucial component in the Seat Belt & Child Restraint Seat system, the Rear Seat Shoulder Belt Hanger (#73371-16050-H0) plays a pivotal role in maintaining safety during vehicle operation. This component is responsible for holding the seat belt in its appropriate position, allowing for easy accessibility and ensuring proper functionality. Genuine Toyota Rear Seat Shoulder Belt Hanger (#73371-16050-H0)s are designed for optimal compatibility with your Toyota vehicle. Over time, this part can wear down or break, which may compromise the safety of the vehicle's occupants by impeding the proper use of seat belts. Should this occur, it is recommended to replace it promptly. Toyota supports its genuine parts with a comprehensive warranty for your peace of mind. In essence, the Rear Seat Shoulder Belt Hanger (#73371-16050-H0) contributes significantly to the safety and efficiency of the Seat Belt & Child Restraint Seat system, thereby enhancing the overall safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 73371-16050-H0

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