Reverse Pre-Balk Head #1

About this product

The Reverse Pre-Balk Head #1 (#33237-20030) is a crucial part of the Gear Shift Fork & Lever Shaft system in your car's Drive-Chassis. Its main task is to manage the gear shifting mechanism in manual transmission systems. This part controls the reverse gear engagement, ensuring a smooth and efficient shift into reverse. Over time, this component can wear out, leading to a malfunctioning gear shift. When old or broken, your vehicle might struggle with engaging reverse gear which could lead to risky situations on the road. Hence, it's essential to replace this part as needed using genuine Toyota parts. Remember, genuine Toyota parts offer optimum compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining a functional Reverse Pre-Balk Head #1 (#33237-20030), you contribute to the overall safety of your vehicle, ensuring a reliable gear shifting experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 33237-20030

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