Head & Valve Set-Cylinder

About this product

The Head & Valve Set-Cylinder (#SU003-10639), an essential Engine-Fuel component in Toyota's Cylinder Head system, plays a crucial role in controlling the intake and exhaust gases in the engine. It opens the intake and exhaust valves at the correct time, allowing the engine to run efficiently. Genuine Toyota parts are specifically designed for compatibility with your vehicle, enhancing performance and lifespan. A worn out or damaged Head & Valve Set-Cylinder (#SU003-10639) can lead to issues such as power loss, misfires, and reduced fuel efficiency. Hence, periodic inspection and replacement are essential to maintain peak performance. Remember, using genuine Toyota parts is an investment towards your vehicle's longevity and reliability, and these are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Head & Valve Set-Cylinder (#SU003-10639), along with related parts like the camshaft and timing belt, contributes significantly to the overall efficiency, safety, and performance of your vehicle's Engine-Cylinder Head system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-10639

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