HV Battery Heater Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Toyota HV Battery Heater Sub-Assembly (#G920H-47050) is a critical component in the Battery & Battery Cable system. As an Electrical part, its primary role is to maintain optimal operating temperatures for the high-voltage battery, preventing it from freezing or overheating. It does this by circulating heated coolant through the battery pack. However, like all auto parts, this Heater Sub-Assembly is subject to wear and tear. Over time, it may become ineffective or cease to work, leading to poor battery performance, reduced vehicle range, and possible damage to the battery itself. Using genuine Toyota parts is key to ensuring compatibility with your vehicle. Plus, all genuine parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering you peace of mind. In conclusion, the Toyota HV Battery Heater Sub-Assembly (#G920H-47050) plays a pivotal role in maintaining the efficiency and safety of Toyota's hybrid and electric vehicles.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number G920H-47050

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