Hex Bolt

About this product

The Hex Bolt (#90118-WA651), a pivotal Drive-Chassis component within the Rear Disc Brake Caliper & Dust Cover system, serves a critical role. As a primary fastening mechanism, it secures the brake caliper to the mounting bracket, ensuring the caliper's proper aligning with the brake disc. The Hex Bolt (#90118-WA651) works synergistically with other components, contributing to a safe and responsive braking system. Like all auto parts, Hex Bolt (#90118-WA651)s are subject to wear and tear, requiring periodic replacement. As they age, bolts may become loose or experience thread wear, compromising brake caliper alignment and leading to decreased braking efficiency, or in extreme cases, brake failure. Always opting for genuine Toyota parts can enhance vehicle compatibility and longevity. These parts are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Hex Bolt (#90118-WA651) is a simple yet crucial part that contributes significantly to the overall safety and performance of your Toyota's braking system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90118-WA651

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