Hex Bolt

About this product

The Hex Bolt (#90118WA842) is an integral auto part in Toyota's Engine-Fuel/Manifold system. This fastener securely holds components together, maintaining the integrity of the engine and fuel manifold. Genuine Hex Bolt (#90118WA842)s, designed specifically for Toyota vehicles, assure compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, Hex Bolt (#90118WA842)s can wear out or become damaged, which can loosen the attachments they're securing. This can lead to a decrease in engine performance or even engine damage. Regular maintenance, including the replacement of old or damaged Hex Bolt (#90118WA842)s, is essential. By keeping the Engine-Fuel/Manifold system securely fastened, Hex Bolt (#90118WA842)s contribute significantly to the efficiency of the vehicle. Their proper function ensures that the vehicle performs as expected, preserving the safety and reliability that Toyota is known for.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90118-WA842

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