Hex Nut

About this product

The Hex Nut (#90118-WA223), a vital component in the Toyota Windshield Wiper system, plays a crucial role in securing various components of the system together. As an Electrical part, it's responsible for maintaining the structural integrity of the system while in operation. Genuine Toyota Autoparts, such as Hex Nut (#90118-WA223)s, are advised for vehicle compatibility and are supported by Toyota’s genuine parts warranty. Over time, Hex Nut (#90118-WA223)s can wear out, become loose, or break, leading to potential failure in the windshield wiper system. This can impair visibility in bad weather, presenting a safety risk. Regular replacement of Hex Nut (#90118-WA223)s can prevent such issues, contributing to the efficient functioning and safety of your vehicle's Windshield Wiper system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90118-WA223

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