Removable Roof Hinge Left Hand

About this product

The Removable Roof Hinge Left Hand (#63286-12010), a critical Body part in the Roof Panel & Back Window Glass system, is responsible for providing a secure connection for the removable roof. This hinge allows the roof to be securely attached or easily detached when desired. Genuine Toyota parts are key to maintaining vehicle compatibility, and this includes the Removable Roof Hinge Left Hand (#63286-12010). Over time, this hinge can wear out or become damaged. If this happens, the removable roof may become unstable and potentially unsafe. Therefore, it's recommended to replace this hinge periodically. Remember, genuine Toyota parts come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, the Removable Roof Hinge Left Hand (#63286-12010) contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle. It enables a flexible vehicle design and provides peace of mind when using the removable roof feature.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 63286-12010

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