Rear Seat Hinge Sub-Assembly Left Hand

About this product

The Rear Seat Hinge Sub-Assembly Left Hand (#71302-42011-B0), an important component in the Seat & Seat Track system, plays a crucial role in your Toyota's comfort and safety. This Body part enables the seat to adjust and securely lock into different positions, ensuring both a comfortable drive and a steady hold during sudden movements or incidents. It's built with advanced materials and mechanisms designed for durability and precision. However, like all moving parts, the Rear Seat Hinge Sub-Assembly Left Hand (#71302-42011-B0) may wear out over time. A worn or damaged assembly could lead to a malfunctioning seat, potentially compromising the safety and comfort of passengers. Hence, it's advisable to regularly check the part and replace it if necessary. Choose genuine Toyota parts for a perfect fit and outstanding performance. Plus, all genuine Toyota parts come with a comprehensive warranty. With this part in good working order, you can experience the smooth and secure ride that's synonymous with Toyota.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 71302-42011-B0
Color Name Shadow Gray

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