Holder Cp-Crs Snsr

About this product

The Holder Cp-Crs Snsr (#SU003-06447) is a paramount component within the Cylinder Block system of Toyota engines. This auto part plays a critical role in the Engine-Fuel system, facilitating optimal functioning of the engine. Its function revolves around securing the Crankshaft Position Sensor, which monitors the engine’s speed and position, thereby helping to regulate fuel efficiency and emissions. As this holder ages, any cracks or breaks could lead to sensor misalignment or damage, impacting the engine's performance and safety. Hence, it's crucial to replace this part as needed with genuine Toyota parts, which are designed for maximum compatibility with your vehicle and are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In essence, the Holder Cp-Crs Snsr (#SU003-06447) contributes greatly to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle, ensuring your engine runs smoothly and sustainably.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-06447

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