Cup Holder Assembly

About this product

The Cup Holder Assembly (#66990-60010-B1), a crucial Body part in the Inside Trim Board system, serves a primary role in providing secure storage for beverages while the vehicle is in motion. As a part of the intricate cabin design, it allows for smooth and safe operations by ensuring drinks do not spill, preventing potential distractions for the driver. If the Cup Holder Assembly (#66990-60010-B1) becomes aged, broken, or non-functional, it can lead to unsecured beverages, causing distractions or even spillage that can potentially damage internal components. Genuine Toyota parts are ideal for maintaining vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The use of a properly functioning Cup Holder Assembly (#66990-60010-B1) significantly contributes to safety and efficient operations within the vehicle's system. Regular replacement of this part is advised for maintaining optimal interior vehicle conditions.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 66990-60010-A1;66990-60010-B0;66990-60010-A0
Part Number 66990-60010-B1
Color Name Stone

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