Cooler Holder

About this product

The Cooler Holder (#88518-04010), an electrical component in the Heating & Air Conditioning - Cooler Unit system of Toyota vehicles, plays a pivotal role in maintaining the vehicle's overall cooling efficiency. The Holder securely positions the cooler, facilitating its function of dissipating heat from the vehicle's interior. Genuine Toyota Cooler Holder (#88518-04010)s are designed with precise fitment, which fosters vehicle compatibility and improves cooling performance. However, over time, Cooler Holder (#88518-04010)s can deteriorate or break, which can compromise the stability of the cooler. A malfunctioning Cooler Holder (#88518-04010) may lead to inefficient cooling and potential damage to closely related parts. Therefore, periodic replacement is essential for optimal performance and to prevent unnecessary repair costs. By utilizing genuine Toyota parts, such as the Cooler Holder (#88518-04010), backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, vehicle owners can maintain the efficient operation of the Heating & Air Conditioning - Cooler Unit, enhancing the vehicle's comfort and longevity.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 8851804010

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