Door Locking Button Collar Holder

About this product

The Door Locking Button Collar Holder (#67785-22030-03), a crucial part in Toyota's Body Front Door Panel & Glass and Body Rear Door Panel & Glass systems, serves a primary role in securing the door lock button. This auto part ensures that the button is held in place, enabling smooth operation when locking and unlocking the vehicle. Made to offer optimal compatibility with your Toyota vehicle, genuine parts like these are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this collar holder may wear down, become clogged with debris, or even break. When this happens, it can impair the function of the door lock, posing a potential security risk. Replacing the collar holder periodically mitigates such risks, contributing to the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle's door lock system. The Door Locking Button Collar Holder (#67785-22030-03) is an underrated but integral part of maintaining your Toyota's security.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 67785-22030-04;67785-22030-66;67785-22030-15;67785-22030-13
Part Number 67785-22030-03

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