Holder Neck A

About this product

The Holder Neck A (#SU003-06091), a crucial Toyota Autoparts fuel tank and tube body part, performs a key role in maintaining the stability and integrity of your vehicle's fuel system. This component ensures accurate positioning and anchorage of the fuel filler neck, creating a secure path for fuel flow into the tank. As with all parts, the Holder Neck A (#SU003-06091) must be replaced periodically or if malfunctioning. Neglecting such maintenance can lead to fuel leakage or misplacement of the filler neck. By installing genuine parts like the Holder Neck A (#SU003-06091), not only is compatibility with your vehicle achieved, but you also receive the added benefit of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In essence, the Holder Neck A (#SU003-06091) enhances the fuel system's efficiency and safety, contributing to a smooth, risk-free refueling process and overall vehicle performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) SU003-01071
Part Number SU003-06091

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