Instrument Panel Cup Holder Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Instrument Panel Cup Holder Sub-Assembly (#55604-16050-E0), a key component within the Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system, is designed to securely hold cups or other beverage containers while the vehicle is in operation. It functions via a spring mechanism that allows the holder to retract when not in use, saving space and ensuring a streamlined look for your vehicle's interior. Over time, this component may wear out or become damaged, leading to potential spills that could distract the driver or damage other interior parts. Regular replacement of this part, ideally with genuine Toyota parts, provides compatibility with your vehicle and the peace of mind of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The overall efficiency and safety of a vehicle's interior can be greatly enhanced by this part, as it assists in maintaining a clean and organized environment, ultimately contributing to safer driving practices.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 55604-16041-E0
Part Number 55604-16050-E0
Color Name Oak

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