Engine Cover Lock Hook

About this product

The Engine Cover Lock Hook (#59263-95D00), a vital component in the Front Floor Panel & Front Floor Member system, secures the engine cover and prevents it from moving or detaching while the car is in operation. This hook engages with corresponding parts of the engine cover, locking it in place. Over time, the hook can wear out or potentially break, leading to a loose or detached engine cover which could cause operational issues or even accidents. Genuine Toyota parts, such as the Engine Cover Lock Hook (#59263-95D00), provide optimal compatibility, preventing the kind of issues that can arise with third-party replacements. Also, genuine parts are supported by Toyota's authentic parts warranty, offering peace of mind to vehicle owners. A properly functioning Engine Cover Lock Hook (#59263-95D00) contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of the system, keeping the engine cover securely fastened and maintaining the integrity of the vehicle's operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 59263-95D00

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