Front Hook

About this product

The Toyota Front Hook (#51961-35051) is an essential auto part found in the Body Frame system and the Body Suspension Crossmember & Under Cover system. It plays a vital role in anchoring or supporting other components within these systems, contributing directly to the overall stability and performance. As parts wear and tear, replacing the Front Hook (#51961-35051) with genuine Toyota parts not only ensures compatibility but is also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If the Front Hook (#51961-35051) becomes damaged or non-functional, the stability and function of the connected parts can be seriously compromised, leading to reduced performance or even safety risks. Thus, periodic replacement is crucial. The Front Hook (#51961-35051), when in good condition, assists in maintaining the efficiency and safety of the vehicle system it is installed in.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 51961-35050
Part Number 51961-35051

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