Rear Seat Back Lock Hook

About this product

The Rear Seat Back Lock Hook (#72635-0R010-B1) is a valuable part of Toyota's Body Rear Seat & Seat Track and Body Seat & Seat Track systems. This crucial auto part plays a pivotal role in securing the seat back in place, contributing to passenger safety and comfort. Its functionality is based on a simple but effective locking mechanism that holds the seat back upright when the vehicle is in motion. Just like other parts, the Rear Seat Back Lock Hook (#72635-0R010-B1) is subject to wear and tear over time. When this part becomes aged, or worse, broken, it renders the seat back potentially unstable which poses a significant safety risk. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is suggested to maintain compatibility with the vehicle and optimal performance. Purchasing genuine Toyota parts also comes with the added benefit of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. A functional Rear Seat Back Lock Hook (#72635-0R010-B1) contributes to the overall safety of the car, ensuring a smoother and safer ride for everyone on board.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 72635-13010-B3
Part Number 72635-0R010-B1
Color Name Gray

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