Hook St Back Upper

About this product

The Hook St Back Upper (#SU003-05832), a critical component in the Front Seat & Seat Track system, is an auto body part intended for Toyota vehicles. This part plays a pivotal role in securing the seat track, which helps to adjust the position of the front seats. The Hook St Back Upper (#SU003-05832), in harmonious operation with other parts, provides the flexibility required for seat adjustment, thereby enhancing the driving comfort. However, like all mechanical parts, the Hook St Back Upper (#SU003-05832) may deteriorate over time, leading to a compromised seat track system. This could potentially affect the seat adjustment function, negatively impacting driver comfort and safety. Therefore, periodic replacement of this part is vital. By using genuine Toyota parts, you maintain vehicle compatibility and avail Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Moreover, the Hook St Back Upper (#SU003-05832) further contributes to the overall convenience and safety of the driving experience by ensuring the proper functioning of the seat track system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) SU003-04395
Part Number SU003-05832

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