Transport Hook Sub-Assembly Front

About this product

The Transport Hook Sub-Assembly Front (#51093-17021) is a crucial component in Toyota's Body Front Bumper & Bumper Stay and Body Rear Bumper & Bumper Stay systems. This part serves as a secure point of attachment during the towing or transport of the vehicle, consequently playing an important role in preventing damage to the bumper systems. Over time, the Transport Hook Sub-Assembly Front (#51093-17021) can undergo wear and tear, potentially impacting its structural integrity. A weakened or broken hook could lead to failure during towing or transport, causing significant damage to the bumper systems and other components. Replacing this part periodically with genuine Toyota parts is crucial for maintaining vehicle compatibility and performance. Toyota's genuine parts warranty backs these parts, reinforcing their quality and reliability. In summary, a properly functioning Transport Hook Sub-Assembly Front (#51093-17021) contributes significantly to the safety and efficiency of the vehicle during transport situations, safeguarding the bumper systems from potential damage.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 51093-17021

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