Hook Sun Visor

About this product

The Hook Sun Visor (#SU003-08571), a significant component in the Armrest & Visor system, plays a primary role in the body part category of a vehicle. This component functions by securing the sun visor in place, which shields the driver's and passenger's eyes from harsh sunlight and glare while driving. Fitted with genuine Toyota parts, the Hook Sun Visor (#SU003-08571) offers compatibility with your vehicle, and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. As with all mechanical parts, the Hook Sun Visor (#SU003-08571) can become worn down or even broken over time, necessitating replacement. Failure to replace a non-functional Hook Sun Visor (#SU003-08571) can result in the sun visor not staying in place, potentially obstructing the driver's view and compromising safety. Thus, keeping your Hook Sun Visor (#SU003-08571) in good working order enhances both the efficiency and safety of your vehicle's Armrest & Visor system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-08571

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